Hey there friends!
I hope you've had a fabulous week. We we were happy to be back in the routine but, we were worn out when Friday rolled around.
This week I found something I had been working on in my personal quiet time start to manifest with people in my day to day life. I've been working on just being quiet and still. If you know me, that is a challenge. But in the quiet I've learned a lot about myself, a lot about the Lord. He doesn't say a whole lot. Neither do I. But I'm comforted just being with Him.
I saw that happen to me this week. I would be in situations, wanting to help or say or do the right thing but instead I just said nothing. Did nothing. I was just there. I saw myself doing the same thing when I would typically really want to be sassy or correct a situation. I would stop and think hmmm maybe not.
I think as humans we just want to do the right thing or say the right thing. That's a noble and good thing. But I think we need to learn to sometimes say nothing at all. That we can champion the people around us by just standing beside them. Whether you agree or disagree. The thing is I don't think the people in our life want as much from us as we think they do. They just want us. They just want the relationship.
The silence can be good. Instead of attempting to be a wise swami. Embrace the fact that you don't always know, and that's ok [preaching to myself here ;)] Several of the people in my life have encoutered life altering change or circumstances death, moves, babies, job changes, relationship changes. My desire to want to help them sometimes overwhelms me, searching to do the perfect thing. Then I realize there's something I can do really well. Just be me. So just be you. You got this!
This was short & sweet but it was necessary. Necessary to learn, & necessary to do. Enjoy the quiet & the still. I hope this week brings you joy & peace.
Drink coffee & do good,